myVGBC Podcast | S4E2 • Justin Gary

I recently had the chance to speak with tabletop game designer, educator, consultant, and founder of Stone Blade Entertainment, Justin Gary about his latest project, SolForge Fusion. SolForge Fusion, a unique hybrid deck game and was recently released on Steam as a digital card game — after being available as a physical card game for some time. I’ve been looking to add more tabletop game coverage to and this felt like the perfect way to jump in.

Although I am a gamer first and foremost, I have been a collector and player of tabletop games for many years now. Since co-op and multiplayer gaming has mostly moved online, tabletop games became the new way to get together with friends for some games.

We’ve seen plenty of board games get the digital treatment (games like Uno, Monopoly, Wingspan and others). I’ve also noticed more and more tabletop adaptations of popular video game franchises — I recently was sent a Mega-Man and Contra tabletop game which I will cover in a future post. There are plenty of new tabletop video game adaptations coming to Kickstarter and Gamefound each week (God of War, Cyberpunk 2077, Bloodborne).

There’s also been an increase in popular trading and collectible card games making their way to digital storefronts (Steam, iOS, and more). Magic the Gathering: Arena is a new way to play Magic the Gathering with players all over the world from home. I’ve also seen so many new video games implement some sort of deck building, card fighting, and other tabletop gaming mechanics. It’s always great to see two of my interests merge together.

SolForge Fusion

SolForge Fusion • Learn How to Play with Justin Gary

Every SolForge fusion starter set and booster pack brings four unique decks. Any two decks can be grouped together to create your game deck. Each deck contains thirty cards, or three versions (evolutions) of ten different cards. As you play a card the new evolution will be shuffled into your discard pile, so that every time that card shows up again, it is now evolved from Level I to II to III.

What’s truly special about the physical to digital translation of this game is that players can upload each deck they own to the digital version to play with friends. I’ve already had many battles with my friend in Texas (while I am in Florida), using our very own decks. The digital version even includes a special rogue-like mode.

I talked to Justin on the digital release day of SolForge Fusion. In that time we spoke about him meeting and working with his hero, Richard Garfield (creator of Magic the Gathering, KeyForge, and many popular games today) on multiple projects. Justin also created the game that got me interested in another tabletop genre — deck building games. That game was Ascension which now has multiple expansions and updated versions, with another on the way to Gamefound very soon — Ascension Legends.

It was great to meet someone who is not only creating fun and unique tabletop games for us, but who is also sharing their knowledge and experience with future game creators trying to make their way in the industry. Justin wrote a book Think Like A Game Designer, he hosts a podcast, he teaches, and he does so much more for this community.

You can catch the full interview right here (along with some digital SolForge Fusion gameplay):

myVGBC Podcast | Season 4 Episode 2 • Justin Gary

SolForge Fusion currently has two sets: the original “Alpha” release and Battle for Whitefang Pass. The next set will release on May 23rd. For those interested in SolForge Fusion or any of Justin’s other projects:

Stone Blade Entertainment

Learn more about SolForge Fusion

Find out more about Justin Gary

Thanks again to our guest, Justin Gary. I look forward to adding more
tabletop gaming content to in the future.

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